Primary 2
Welcome to Primary Two.
Our teachers are Mrs Crilly and Miss McAnerney
Literacy: We love reading in Primary Two. We love to read books we even get to take library books home at the weekend and enjoy story time at the end of the school day. Some of our favourite books are Jack and the Beanstalk, The Jolly Postman, Whatever Next and Aliens love Underpants
In Primary Two we love to write and practise our hand writing skills, we use sand and paint to help practise our lower and upper case letters during structured play.
During our fairy tale topic we were able to write a letter to the Giant in Jack in the Beanstalk. We are learning to use a capital letter and a full stop when writing a sentence. We play many practical games to help with our sounds, letter recognition and HFW.
Numeracy: We love to participate in mental maths activities every day and enjoy counting on our number line up to 20. We begin to learn our number stories and can use our counters to add and subtract up to 15. We learn the names of 3D shapes and can use our construction blocks to create. We start to problem solve using money and we can work together to find the value of coins. We learn about time and we love to play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’
ICT: We love to play Numeracy Games on our Interactive White Board. We visit the ICT suite and use BeeBots and microphones during structured play. We are really enjoying using our new iPads!
The World Around Us: We are budding scientists in Primary Two. We carry out many science investigations and design our own fair tests. We design and build models from junk materials. We learn all about our big world through our topics. We use tools and even saws in our technology lessons. We learn all about the Solar System and our big world.
The Arts: We sing songs, dance and play lots of noisy percussion instruments. We are all amazing singers and love to do a fairy tale play. We carry out lots of roles plays and dress up in our costumes.
We use a variety of media to explore and create different pieces of art work.
P.E: We have fun participating in gymnastics, dance, athletics and games throughout the year.
Religion: We follow the Grow in Love Programme. We enjoy performing during our Class Assemblies and singing along to our fantastic Religion songs!
Class Assembly
Our Topics In Primary Two
We love to learn about lots of interesting topics in Primary Two.
Our topics are:
- Marvellous Me
- Fantastic Fairytales
- The Post Office
- Space - Up, Up and Away!
- The Jungle - A Growing World
- Treasure Island
Local Study: Wallace Park
P2 Curriculum Meeting Information
P2 Handwriting Policy
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St Joseph’s Primary School, 42 Castle Street, Lisburn, BT27 4XE | Phone: 028 92 674 901