Primary 4
Welcome to Primary 4 in St Joseph's!
Our teachers are Miss Clarke and Ms. Graham
Literacy: We read lots of stories together in Primary Four. One of our favourites is 'The Worst Witch'. We do lots of interesting activities together related to these books. In our groups, we read novels such as 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' and 'The Finger Eater'. In Primary Four we also love to read for enjoyment everyday, through Silent Reading. We can choose many books from our wonderful class libraries! We write in lots of different styles, including recount, procedural, exposition, explanation, report and narrative. We enjoy using bossy verbs in instructions and using our imaginations during narrative writing! We also like to visit Lisburn Library to learn more about books!
We love doing practical activities, solving problems and working together in groups.
In Primary Four we learn all about multiplication and division and numbers up to 999. We also draw graphs in our books and on the computer using the Just 2 Easy Software. We have great fun learning about 2D and 3D shape and we also love to measure in metres and centimetres! We even get to start every maths lesson with a mental maths game and we have been working hard on building up our mental maths strategies.
ICT: We have a fantastic CleverTouch Interactive Whiteboard in our classroom which we love using. We also go to the ICT Suite once a week and love to use our class iPads to help us with our learning. One of our favourite apps to use is Green Screen! We also like to research on the internet and we are beginning to learn about Word Processing. We even get to make PowerPoints about our topics and present them to our friends. One of our favourite homework tasks is when we get to go on the C2k Newsdesk to read articles and make comments about what we have read.
The World Around Us: We learn about ourselves and our beatuiful city Lisburn. We really enjoy going on the Lisburn City trail with the staff from the Linen Museum! We like to look at atlas's an maps to identify continents and countries around the world and love learning all about the counties in Irleand. World War Two is one of our favourite topics where we get the opportunity to be evacuees for the day! We also learn about living things, and get to go on a minibeast hunt around our school and in Castle Gardens. During Activity Based Learning, we do lots of fun activities to help us learn more about our topics!
The Arts: We are brilliant music makers in Primary Four!! We enjoy making sound stories like 'Hairy Scary Castle' using percussion instruments.
During our Art lessons, we learn about different artists and styles. We love to make pasta skeletons at Halloween and sketch the different buildings in Lisburn!
We have been working on drama in school this year and love to take part in Conscience Alley, Freeze Frames and Tableau activities related to our topics!
P.E: We have fun participating in gymnastics, dance, athletics and games throughout the year. We also get the opportunity to attend 7 tennis lessons at the Wallace Park Tennis Dome throughout the year to develop our fundamental skills.
Religion: We follow the Grow in Love programme and love to make up actions to go with our songs! This year is very special for us as we are going to make our First Holy Communion. We work really hard preparing for our special day.
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Primary Four Topics

We have lots of fun in Primary Four learning about all our different topics.
We do lots of different activities during our Activity Based Learning sessions which help us to learn more about our topics!
Our topics for the year are:
- This is Me!
- This is Where I live! (Lisburn)
- Let's Celebrate
(Chinese New Year) - World War Two
- Bugs and Beasts
Local Study: Castle Gardens
P4 Curriculum Meeting Information
Primary 4 In Action

St Joseph's Primary School, 42 Castle Street, Lisburn, BT27 4XE | Phone: 028 92 674 901