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St Joseph's Primary School, Lisburn

Primary 3

Welcome to Primary Three. Our teachers are Miss Hearty and Mrs Gould.

After reading some of the things we do in P3 you'll wish you were in our class! 

Literacy: In Primary Three we read, read, read - we love big books and love to read together. We love to listen to our teachers read and our reading buddies form Primary Seven. We learn how to become independent writers and sound out hard works. We can write reports, recounts and procedural pieces and we even get to write our own stories. Handwriting is really important in Primary Three - we can now form all our letters and begin to write more.

Numeracy: When learning Maths we always do it in a fun way using practical activities and mental maths games. We love using our individual white boards and when we show them to our teachers they can immediately see if we understand the work we are doing and give us help, if we need it.

ICT: In Primary Three we use ICT throughout the Curriculum to help us with our learning and make it fun. We have an Interactive Whiteboard in our classroom and we really love using our new iPads to explore different apps. We enjoyed becoming Weather Forecasters!

The Arts: We are brilliant music makers in Primary Three!! We enjoy making sound stories and love using our percussion instruments.

During our Art lessons, we learn about different artists and styles. We make lots of different things out of junk art and we really enjoyed learning how to make teddy bears out of clay with Miss Gorman!

We have been working on drama in school this year and love to take part in Conscience Alley, Freeze Frames and Tableau activities related to our topics!

World Around Us: In 'The World Around Us' we learn all about Ourselves, Weather, Toys, Materials and Animals. We plan our own investigations to find things out and we design and make our own models. We visit the Linen Centre and even make a moving car. We love science and technology and learning all about toys in the olden days. We have lots of fun during Activity Based Learning when we do lots of practical activities to help us learn more about our topics!

Religion: We love to learn about the life of Jesus through our new Grow in Love Programme. This is a very special year for us because we will make our First Confession. Our class have many fun days out with friends from St. Aloysius and Harmony Hill, as we explore different themes through PDMU. 



P3 retelling the story of Toys in Space


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Our Topics in Primary Three


We have lots of fun learning about interesting topics in Primary Three.

We love to learn more about our topics during Activity Based Learning.

Our Topics are:

  • Ourselves and Our Senses

  • Tremendous Toys

  • Wonderful Weather

  • Mighty Materials

  • Amazing Animals

Local Study: Castle Gardens


P3 Curriculum Meeting Information

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