St Joseph's PTA and Friends

If your child has just joined the St Joseph's school community why not come along and join the PTA and give us some new and fresh ideas on fund raising while getting to know other parents. Please come and support our events to help us raise money for our wonderful school!
If you want to contact us you can do so by email on
OR send us a private message on our PTA Facebook page. We would love to hear from you!
Meet the Committee

Co Chair: Emmylou Breslin, Alison Muir
Treasurer: Denise McCay
Secretary: Kathryn McLaughlin
Assistant Secretary: Carolyn Schumann
Communication: Emma Creagh
Grants Officer: Michelle Donnelly
Teacher Representative: Sinead Clarke
Members: Roisin Spence, Laura Nokes, Sandra Neill, Lisa Feeney, Carolyn Schumann, Mandy Flavin, Margaret McKee, Sofia Lourenco, Suzanne McNally, Kelly McGoran, Laura McGrath,
Frequently asked questions
- What is the PTA all about?
- Fundraising for the school - this year we plan to purchase new Clever Touch Smart Boards for some classrooms.
- Supporting the staff and the school
- A bit of craic!
- Who can join St Joseph’s PTA?
Any parent with a child or children currently at the school.
- Where does the money raised by the PTA go?
The money raised by the PTA, with the untiring help of all the staff, has helped to subsidise the children’s annual trip to the Pantomime in the Opera House, First Communion Breakfast, Confirmation Party, Buses for Pantomime, the new Stage, Art equipment, Sports Equipment, whiteboards, blinds for the classrooms and much, much more. This year the focus of our fundraising is to buy iPads for each class.
- Why should you join the PTA?
The PTA is here for you and your children and the best way you can make sure of that is to help us support the school.
We have an active and vibrant PTA and everyone of us is here because we care about the school and the pupils.
- When do the PTA meet?
We meet about once every month, depending on how many events we’re organising that term so the commitment isn’t huge. Not everyone has time to join the PTA, we understand that, but you can give your support to the school in so many ways.
If you have any ideas for fundraising activities (the emphasis is always on fun), pass them on to any of the PTA and we’ll try to use as many as we can.
Fresh faces always bring fresh ideas and you don’t have to have any particular skill to be of value to your school, just bring yourself!
- Is there an Executive Committee?
Yes and this is re-elected every year, although some people stay put by popular choice! There’s little glory and lots of work involved
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Upcoming Events

Next Meeting: Tuesday 5th November at 7pm in the Staff Room
Latest PTA News
First Holy Communion Refreshments

PTA Twitter
St Joseph's Primary School, 42 Castle Street, Lisburn, BT27 4XE | Phone: 028 92 674 901